Dean is not really doing so well, however. He has made some improvements, the change in his medications has made a small difference. He is no longer out there like he was while on the Zoloft, but we are still having problems. We are taking steps to get him further help and after the last three weeks, have finally made some strides to that. Waiting on insurance is a pain in the butt, but we have heard from our therapist (Dean and I have the same one), and are just waiting on a final phone call to let us know when we take him in. It has been a difficult decision to make, and I am terrified of the outcome with his biological father, that part will most likely get ugly. Dean is still refusing to talk to him, which is good, he is always angry after those conversations and makes life more difficult for us afterwards. I do not know what he says to Dean, but it must trigger something or he says something to upset him or scare him in someway. Only one more month and Dean has the legal right to say no more, even though he has already said it anyway.
I am doing well in my classes, do not like the team work that we have to do. I hate giving someone complete control over my grade. The last few classes has been a nightmare for team work, and the new class seems to be no better. One classmate has already decided she is a martyr and she is the only doing her part, I cannot stand that kind of attitude, especially since the only reason I was not able to get into the class right away one morning was computer issues. I am waiting on a phone call from one of the schools on base to do an observation, hope I hear soon, we have an assignment due Monday and I want my part turned in early. We are moving this week!
Post housing has heard reason: that it is unacceptable for anyone to live in a home that is falling apart! We looked at two last week, got our pick and have a new home. It does have more room, a separate dinning room that is joined to the kitchen, two bathrooms, only one with a shower, but I am not complaining. The doors are much nicer than the ones that we have now, and they shut and open with no problems, yay! We have to fence in the yard ourselves, but oh well, Legend will still have a yard. I look forward to actually hanging things up, we have more wall space. The living room is huge, nice! It will be a nice change of pace compared to what we have now.
I forgot to add that we have a new edition to our family, over the summer I adopted a kitty, Silver is her new name. She is not a people person, but what cat is. She does, however, love Gerry and has taken to him much faster than she has to me and she really doesn't like Dean. The good thing is that Silver and Legend love each other. They play well, she cleans him, poor thing has serious hair ball issues from it, but it is cute to watch. And, after setting some boundaries, she has figured out he is the pooch in charge, not the other way around. It took her some adjusting to get used to him, but they do well now.