Thursday, January 17, 2013

There Maybe A Move In The Near Future...

Gerry and I swore that the next move would be our last.  Boy how we eat those words.  With his back being messed up again, he is looking for work again.  He is still employed and receiving a paycheck but it is not enough because of the circumstances surrounding his injury (I will not explain our financials beyond that).  So he is looking in Minnesota and already has people anxious to talk to him and set up interviews.  We shall see.   I am kind of hoping for a move to get us away from here and his brother and sister-in-law, which is a long story.  We want to be close enough for the girls, but far enough to have our own life and not be under the microscope with them. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013


So I have decided that my biggest challenge in life is to make it through my son's puberty with one or both of us alive.  Having a child with Bipolar, ODD and now minimal ADHD going through puberty is going to be the death of me (or him, take your pick).  I do not remember being so secretive, defiant or down right rude and obnoxious as a teenager (my parents might say differently and I long to be able to talk to them, something I could really use right now).  I miss my parents advice in my life.  When I have needed it most right now, I cannot pick up the phone and talk to them.  Especially my mom.  I know that he is changing, and I am waiting for that voice change to take place, one of the last things since we noticed dark facial hair lately on his face.  I know he will kill me for this post, but it is hard to vent when no one really knows the struggles that we face and it is hard to talk to family, none of them have a child like mine and my sisters all have no children.  What is especially hard is that the world, media and friends all say that it is okay to go against the morals we teach in our home, and it is apparent and obvious with the way he acts at times and pushes us away.  We try to talk to him, get through to him and reach him, but he turns more to his friends than he does his parents.  It does not help that my ex-husband has hurt him almost beyond repair, causing a lot of trust issues with the adults that should be closest to him (parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents).  His idea of being a parent is to manhandle, abusive and abrasive to force him to behave.  What is a parent to do when society says that we are wrong for the morals we teach and to encourage and be politically correct in our life (and I am only generalizing the politically correct part, since it is so adamant that Christians to bend to the ways of the world)?  What are we to do??  We are to pray, seek guidance from our Heavenly Father, who is loving and kind, that is what!  I am going to do what I know He wants, I am going to continue to raise my son with morals, and to believe that being politically correct is not important.  In fact, I refuse to be politically correct, if you don't like it then too bad!  I love everyone, but that doesn't mean that I have to accept everything to that society says is normal and right to be correct and turn my back on everything near and dear to me.  I want my son to be like my husband and brothers, a good man who loves their families and is strong in the gospel of Christ and loves his Heavenly Father!  Those are far more important than being politically correct!  So while we struggle with a teenager, I am going to do my best to seek guidance from my Father in Heaven than from the world, I am going to be more diligent in prayer to know how to teach my son to come to us and to be a gentle loving person that I know is still in there somewhere!  So my advice to the world and to those that push their beliefs contrary to mine: BEWARE, MY son is mine, not yours, he will not be OF the WORLD!  HE will be a good man in the gospel, a good priesthood holder and LOVE the Savior.  STAY OUT OF MY HOME!  Time to deep clean the garbage out of our home and hold on to the clean.