Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moving Day....Again....

So today is moving day, again!  Plus side, we are not doing the actual packing and transporting, just the unpacking (well, mostly me doing this since Gerry is back to work again), down side, we have one more move ahead of us.  In February Gerry starts his terminal leave from the military for his retirement and we are then headed to Montana.  We have decided to make this our permanent home for our life after military life.  So what am I doing today, sitting on the computer trying to keep myself distracted and busy while Two Guys and a Truck pack us up and then move us to our new house on post.  They are renovating our housing area so we are being moved again.  The good thing to this is that our new house is brand new inside and we have a privacy fence (wood one, no chain link) with grass both front and back, which means less weeds and no more dirt, dirt, dirt.  Legend will no longer be tracking in a mess for us to keep up with on our floors, yay!  Plus, our new home has new wood floors, new appliances, new paint and four bedrooms (why we need that much, I have no clue, but it will help us because we are not unpacking everything so one room will be storage, we are just unpacking what we really need over the next five months).  The fun that these poor guys have had today was some rain (it actually came down hard for about ten minutes before quitting), a very upset and whinny dog (Legend is in puppy jail, lol, upstairs for the time being, then he will be brought downstairs and the baby gates will be put up to keep him in the living room while they pack up the bedrooms upstairs and the bathroom, poor thing just wants to play and RUN).  This move is changing our ward, something we are accepting reluctantly, we love our ward that we are in and that we started in, but know that change is right around the corner, so yes, accepting.  We look forward to making new friends, but still keeping our old ones. We have made so many here.  Change is hard sometimes, but at the same time a good thing, and it can be hard to see the good thing.  (and on a side note: Legend is now free to roam the living room, he is happily sniffing away, lol).  We will see how much of a good thing this will be for us, but we will miss our ward family that we have made in the Flat Rock Ward.

This is what Puppy Jail looks like:

Let me explain why I do this to my beloved but rotten puppy.  We have to leave the front door open for the movers, but due to this, Legend would just love to take off and run.  He loves to run and does not stop and thinks it is a game and has even ran into the street and almost been hit by a car.  So to prevent him from running off when we have to leave the front door open, I bought baby gates to put up and keep him from getting to the front door and get out.  He may not like it, but it works.  Silly puppy, but I love him too much to have him picked up by the Animal Control Officer or to be hit by a car because of his love to run when he can get out.  (we even have to put locks on our chain link gate so that he cannot open it, smart dog, but wow, crazy!)