Okay, so it has been a few months since I have been on here, shame on me. Things have been moving along, and I have been staying busy with Cub Scouts, migraines, Dean and holiday's. I wound up cooking Thanksgiving and just doing two chickens, but they were good. It was nice to start a new tradition, that I really decided we needed. We all had to share what we were thankful for in this world that we live in. Mine was my family, a husband who loves his country enough to defend it for his family and friends, my son who is working hard to be a better person, and that my parents have good doctors and a sister who has taken the time out of her life to help take care of dad. So many more, but these are the most important.
Gerry has now been deployed for three months, and has already had his R&R. I will admit, I was bummed and a little more than upset that he was already sent home for it, but Dean was thrilled that Daddy got to be home for his 11th birthday and for Christmas. He left on our third anniversary, and wound up stranded in Dallas because of bad weather and a plane that could not leave Ireland because it broke down. Thank goodness it was not while it was in the air. We were both a little apprehensive about getting back on a plane after the terrorism that took place on Christmas Day. What a scary thing, and thank goodness that our Heavenly Father gave the passengers the strength to prevent a tragedy, they deserve a medal for saving so many lives. Gerry wound up leaving the very next day and made it to Kuwait last night. He called me to let me know that he was safe, and that he was finding out shortly when he would be headed back to Iraq. Needless to say, he is back in Iraq and it will be another ten months before we get to see him again.
It was a good trip to see my parents. My dad is doing much better than I feared, but I found some of his walking problem is in his head. They are trying to get him into a rehab program that will last twenty days. He does dialisis three days a week, and is loosing the water weight from the family reunion that he put in very slowly. My mom is not doing so great, while there she got a massive bruise on her arm from trying to adjust my dad in his wheelchair, but her doctor is willing to try another treatment for her cancer with a relatively new medicine from Europe. As good as it was to see them and get to spend time away from here, it was much better coming home. I do not care if you are sleeping in a bed while you are on vacation at someone's house, it is always good to come home and get in your own bed. I do, however, have to unpack and clean up the mess that was made as we walked in the house after nine at night, and found that as we were starving and trying to order food, that all delivery restaurents were closed and we had to turn around and get in the car to go to the gas station to get something to eat. We were up very late, needless to say. Dean and I decided curl up in my bed to ring in the rest of the new year and watch the movie that I got Gerry and him for Christmas, GI Joe. After falling asleep watching it, I got kicked out of bed by both Dean and the family dog, Legend at around four this morning. Loving being home!
It was a long 2009. After moving on post, having surgery, losing a sister, being terribly sick all summer, and numerous other trials, the Kings are ready to start this year anew. We are praying for some peace in our lives, and mostly for some peace in Dean's. His therapy is going well, but as with most Bi-Polar children, he still has his days where he struggles. His therapist is a wonderful one. She has started making some difference. We do have some hope to stop the visits to his dad's, but it will take much prayer on our parts that it works out for him. He does not want to go, but may not be able to stop it until he is 12 or 14, depends on the state of Wyoming and the age the courts say he has a voice. I disagree with this fact. I have done my best to raise him with a voice on what he wants, and feel that if he can speak them, knowing the things that will come with it, then he should have that right. I am really hoping and praying it is 12, just have to finish checking into it.
We have a new member to our family, as my beloved nephew John decided to marry his sweetheart on Christmas day. We were not expecting them to marry until October, but certain issues and other things, like her not wanting to wait to be his wife after a year of dating and knowing he is the one for her, made them decide to marry sooner. She is a lovely women, and I am proud to call her niece.
I was finally able to make it into the doctor in November to discuss having Lab Band Surgery. The doctor was unsure of a few things so we made an additional appointment after ordering fasting blood tests to be done. The results were not so great. I am in the beginning stages of diabetes. That kind of scared me, and worried the doctor, since it is most likely directly related to my weight. So, needless to say, I do qualify with my BMI and the fact that other health problems are being caused that are directly related to my weight. So he put in the referal, and I am just waiting for that to come in the mail. I stopped mail from being delivered while I was out of town for Christmas, so I am hoping it is waiting for me at the post office. The actual surgery is going to take about a month to be scheduled, just have to meet with the surgeon first. Kind of excited and apprehensive all at once. Who would actually volunteer to have surgery? I know that it will life changing and help me keep weight off, instead of losing and gaining constantly, or just gaining like I have been for the last year. We are also really hoping and praying that this will help solve the fertiltiy problems that we are having, but we are also looking into adoption and have a plan put in place to start saving for the legal fees and hope to have them saved by the end of the year! Here's Hoping!!!