Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Update about me...
Okay, so I know that I already posted today, but many of you that I have invited to view this blog have not heard from me in sometime. I recently remarried, well kind of recently. We have been married for almost three years. I met him while I was still in Rawlins, Wyoming and it was love at first site for both of us. Yes, it does exist. He loves Dean and Dean loves him, so I was truly blessed. He serves his country proudly and has been on many deployments since 2001. We started dating in 2005 while he was deployed, so I walked into our life together with my eyes wide open prepared for the emotional and mental struggles that I would face as a wife of a soldier and for the struggles that Dean would face with his Daddy being gone. It is not always easy, but I am a firm believer of the old saying: "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger." I am going back to school to get my degree in education and serve a couple of callings in church. I am the traveling Family History Consultant and the Cub Master for Dean's Cub Scout Troop, the last one still makes me laugh. I am learning as I go, but love working with the boys and the leaders for the Den that I have. I love my ward here. Dean wanted to get baptized when he turned eight, so I started going back to church with him and while taking the discussions, Gerry sat in on them with us and found himself getting more and more interested. He decided two weeks before deploying in 2007 that he wanted to join. He had somethings to work out before that, so he just devoted himself to going to church on Sundays and continued to learn from the Elders that had come into our lives. They will forever hold a special place in our hearts and we love them very dearly. He was deployed for 15 months in 2007-2008, it was hard, we cried much, laughed a little but learned to love more deeply. Dean really struggled, but I had some wonderful support here in my ward. It is by largely, a military ward, so they know what kind of support the families that are left behind need. I shared the 4th of July with a good friend and her children while I was alone in 2007 for the summer, Dean being in Wyoming visiting his dad, and had Thanksgiving with the same family, who lovingly welcomed us into their home. It was a wonderful dinner, great food, great company, what more could you ask for? Gerry came home in May of 2008 and started taking the discussions again. He had made strides with the things he felt he needed to take care of before entering the waters of baptism and set his date for when my parents could come down so that Dad could do the honors. In August on teh 17th 2008, he became a member of the church. He was confirmed the sameday and received the priesthood the following Sunday with instructions to prepare himself to receive the higher priesthood in three months. Sure enough that is what took place. He received a calling in Scouts as the Webelo Leader along with myself and to be primary teachers. Not long after that though, he was released and called to be Ward Mission Leader and is doing a great job. The Elders love working with him and he is very devoted in insuring that investigators are having their needs met. Dean is doing great, with a few hang ups, but such is life for a growing boy. He loves the fifth grade so far, I know, it is hard to believe that he is that old. He is getting tall, and smarter by the day. He loves scouts and is working hard to be finished with Webelos before his 11th birthday. He loves our dog, who is a big puppy that thinks he is a lap dog. He is constantly suprising me and doing things that I would not expect of a boy his age. He offers to help neighbors when he sees it, befriends those that are not always liked by others for being different. He is so great with little kids and even more so with babies. I am so proud of him. I have already updated as much as I can about me, but will work hard to keep all up to date about new things. Gerry is deploying again this year and will likely be leaving in a couple of month.