Things are looking good so far. Sunday I went in to the doctors office after a good ultra sound on Friday. I had three eggs ready. Such great news, and it fit with Gerry's three thing, will explain later, but it caused him to have funny dreams Friday after teasing him about it that afternoon. Sunday I did my Ovedril shot, which just reaffirmed my hormones are evil opinion. I was so sick Sunday afternoon that I could not do my homework and wound up going to bed at six, way early for me. They told me that everything looked great, I was responding to my hormone treatments very well. I made an appointment to see them today at nine. The ultrasound once again was great. I had released all my eggs. I start progesterone today to help my uterus and go back for a pregnancy test in 12 days. All is looking very well.
Okay back to Gerry's three thing. Three is a very important number in his life. It is his favorite number (don't understand that one, as I do not have a favorite number), Dale Earnhardt Sr. drove the number three car and was and still is his favorite driver for NASCAR. I am Gerry third wife, we always joke that third time the charm, and he has had three religions in his life, again third time the charm. So after telling Gerry that I had three good eggs and was ready for ovulation, he had very strange dreams. He dreamed of threes all night long. The number three floating around, three girls, three boys, three houses, and three cars. Needless to say, he did not sleep well that night. I thought it was funny. We are very excited and hope this first treatment works, but are trying not to be too optimistic. We know that it is rare for the first one to work. We have one good month, maybe two, depending on when he leaves for Iraq in October. Dean is the more excited of the three of us. He cannot wait to have siblings.