Friday, December 7, 2012

Gratitude For A Year...

So I have decided that I need to continue to find something to be grateful for each day for a year.  So this blog will continue to expand for the next year and be bounced around as I add to it.  I am also doing this on my Facebook page. 

Day 31: Yep still going! I thankful for the real reason behind the season. I love my Savior!

Day 32: Today I am thankful for the deer that will be filling numerous freezers. Gerry and his hunting group did pretty good, he didn't get one, but there is enough to spread the wealth.

Day 33: I am thankful for my Uncle Gerald who called me today! Bonnie and Gerald are so wonderful and I love them so much! My uncle and his wife Bonnie were always in our lives growing up with frequent visits before retirement and even more so afterwards. Not only was he my moms brother but my dads best friend and my Aunt Bonnie was my moms best friend. That is so amazing family, and I truly hope Gerry and I have that one day when we are older with family! Love you both!! 

Day 34: I am thankful for the opportunity to have new people in my life. I have made wonderful friends here through the church and I know they were placed in my life for a reason.

Day 35: I am thankful that my washing machine will finally be fixed tomorrow!!

Day 36: I am so thankful that my washer is fixed and running! Thank you to all who helped with it!