Friday, November 2, 2012

Thirty Days of Gratitude....That Time of Year Again...

It is that time of year again.  The difference is, I am really going to set a goal to keep this going all year round from now on.  I really do find that I am much happier when I think of all the wonderful blessings I have in my life to be thankful for.  Starting yesterday, here is the beginning of the year and hopefully I do this well enough for the rest of my life!  I am sharing my whole post from day 1 that I put on Facebook:

Day 1: It's that time of year again....yep 30 Days Of Thankfulness posts, I love doing this, seriously need to keep doing it all year round, it reminds me to be more thankful of my daily blessings and gifts. Day 1: I am thankful for the Gospel Of Christ in my life, it gives me comfort and peace and knowledge that blesses me so abundantly in life.

Day 2: I am thankful for the home we are living in. When we were moving things were supposed to be in the process of being taken care of in Montana. We found out while visiting Gerry's brother and his family that the woman that was supposed to be taking care of our paperwork so we would have a place to live quit, walked out, and left a pile of paperwork on her desk. Because of this, there were
numerous things that she failed to tell us we needed, didn't send in our paperwork to the main office. We would have been homeless had we kept going. Heavenly Father put us here for a reason and because of the generosity of family, we have a roof over our heads and Gerry was able to find a job (it took awhile, but he did). We are so grateful for Carl King and Jan Gluth King.

Day 3: today I am grateful for the few months I got to spend with an amazing woman. She was a small little lady, but her love was huge. I will miss visiting her dearly and taking her to church, but I am glad I had the opportunity to serve her. It was easy to love her so swiftly. It is not goodbye, but see you someday, again.  This is not in my post on my Facebook page:  The sister I visited was an amazing lady.  She was diagnosed with a rare disease at the age of ten and her parents were told she was not going to live and if she did, she would not live long.  She did almost die at that tender age, but she lived to 72, fought the entire time.  She married, had a daughter and granddaughter.  Her granddaughter was the light of her world and so was her great grandson.  She loved being close to her and I could tell from the short time I got to spend with her that her family was the most important part of her life. 

Day 4: Today I am thankful for old memories and the things that my friends from high school remember. Band and choir were my favorite times of high school, I made lasting friendships, fantastic memories that I will always cherish. It is fun to look back and only see what really matter: no drama, no stupid stuff, just the good!

Day 5: I am thankful for the teachers at my sons school. They are fantastic, we communicate almost daily about his progress, his stumbling blocks and in what we all can do to help him be successful. I have always been very involved in his education, but never to this extent and it wasn't because I didn't want it. It was always me who sought them out, now I have teachers who seek me out as well as I do them. Couldn't ask for better!

Day 6: today I am grateful that we live in the country we live in. Today is the day that happens every four years where we voice who we want to lead this great nation. I do not care what the choice is, but make sure your voice gets heard!! Today is Election Day!!

Day 7: I am thankful for a husband who will take care of me when I am sick. I have been so bad that he is doing house work and cooking for me so I can rest and try to recover. Love that man!

Day 8: Today I am thankful for my sweet puppy. I love it when he cuddles with me when I'm sick, how smart he is and how funny he can be when he plays.

Day 9: I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to teach the high school youth in our little branch more about the New Testament and the Savior and His teachings. What an opportunity I have been given to not only help their testimony, but mine as well!

Day 10: I am thankful for good hospitals, doctors, nurses and other health professionals. Since moving here, we have been blessed with all the above. And it is comforting to know they are there when we need or have needed them.

Day 11: Today I am thankful for those that serve our country, and those that have served! I am especially grateful for Gerald King, John C. Frakes, John Frakes, Deryl King, Carl King, Brenda LaFontaine King, Doug Lewis, Earl King, my father-in-law and the family that helped fight for this country going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. It makes me proud to know that the Frakes family helped shape this country through years of military service and that I married into another family and that helped shape it.

Day 12: I am thankful for my sisters, especially Amy Frakes and Kimi Frakes who are very supportive of Gerry and I with prayers and just as a sounding board. Through the past couple of months they always check to see how his back is doing, see if we have heard anything new and offer comfort as we get frustrated with doctors when we still do not have answers. But I have more than just those two sisters, I have my sister Tracy, who is amazing, then my sister-in-laws, how are equally amazing! I love them all and I am grateful for them all!

Day 13: I am thankful for my faith in my Heavenly Father and my Savior, it brings such comfort to know that I have a knowledge of His gospel and that my family will be reunited.

Day 14: I an thankful for very dark curtains today that help keep out the daylight so my migraine can go away.

Day 15: I am thankful for Lifetouch and the great work they do in taking school pictures! This years picture is awesome. We missed out on the ones from 4th to 7th because the base school did not do retakes, which bums me out, but I am so glad that we are in a great school and that there were retakes, I just love this years picture!    

Day 16: I am thankful today for my friends near and far. I made some who will always be a dear friend since becoming an Army Wife. I still have so many that are close from my childhood. The best part we get to stay more in touch because of phones, email and Facebook.  I tagged a few friends here they are, Missy Johannson, Jhona Oberholtzer, Emily Evans Morrill and Valerie Gordon.

Day 17: I am thankful for my brothers and brother-in-laws. My four brothers are amazing, two protect their communities, one defends our country and the other works very hard to take care of his family. All four are great fathers to their children and wonderful husbands. One of my brother-in-law is crazy talented and builds homes for people who need them and is very smart and got me addicted to Apple (like I said, smart), the other four have all defended this great nation at one point in their life. I am so thankful to call them family. Thank you all for being you, John C. Frakes, Ryan Kellogg, Carl King, Deryl King, Jared Frakes, Greg Frakes and Jeff Lanning!

Day 18: I forgot to post this, but I am thankful for my husband. I no longer have to be alone in my trials, I have a wonderful man there who supports me, anchors me and loves me.

Day 19: I am thankful for wonderful friends who know a thing or two about computers and washers. Both problems have been solved, hopefully they can be easy fixes now. Whew, nothing major on either part.

Day 20: I am thankful for the opportunity to hear a person's first conversation with Heavenly Father, the Spirit was amazing!

Day 21: Today I am thankful for those that came before me and gave all for our freedom so we could live in this great country, for new family and friends, for precious freedoms that we have and for blessings we receive!

Day 22: Today I am thankful for those that came before me and gave all for our freedom so we could live in this great country, for new family and friends, for precious freedoms that we have and for blessings we receive!

Day 23: I am thankful for the opportunity we had to enjoy not one but two Thanksgiving dinners. One was my sister-in-laws parents and the other a wonderful friend from church. Lots if yummy food, better company and rich blessings from both! It's always a wonderful gift to get to know more people!  We had one with Gerry's brothers in-laws and then went to a friends house and ate there with even more people all from church!  Great food and yummy desserts, but better company!

Day 24: I am thankful for little blessings and gifts.

Day 25: I am thankful for the opportunity I have to teach the gospel. It doesn't matter if it is my three year old Sunbeams or someone else, it is a blessing to share the Savior and my knowledge of Him!

Day 26: I am thankful for my son. We have settled into a routine and the last few days he is working hard and doing his chores to earn points in our new system. I would never change the kind of child he is, and love him more everyday!

Day 27: I am so thankful for Deans two teachers that work with him the most. I know I have posted this before, but they are excellent teachers and do such great work and always appreciate that we try very hard to support them as much as possible!

Day 28: I am thankful for books, I love to read and live to loose myself in the world my book gives me for that moment.

Day 29: I am thankful for a husband who knows me as well as he does and for not facing to cook dinner tonight, thank you, Ashley Nicole, it was yummy!!  

Day 30: I am thankful for my many blessings that I have in my life. My Heavenly Father knows what they are and that my heart is full.